1st F 06/08/2023 3 Amigos on the BB Courts

QiC: Trophy
Date: 06/08/2023
Title: 3 Amigos on the BB Courts
Number of HIMs: 3
Marv, Mr. Woodcock, Trophy

Number of FNGs: 0
Name of FNGs:

20 morrocan jacks
Runner stretch
Side plank
Downward dog

Tha Thang:
Going off script today due to unknown participation going into the Q. Sided on the Basketball courts with Cindy. Drill as follows:
90 Cindy squats. 1 half court shuttle drill. Run forward, shuffle left, back pedal, then shuttle right back.
80 ohp. 2 shuttle
70 curls. 3 shuttle
60 Lawnmower Cranks. 4 shuttle
50 Cindy Swings. 5 shuttle
40 block merkins. 6 shuttle
30 elf on shelf. 7 shuttle

Time is up. Save some for Mary.
21 big boy situps
21 crunchy frogs
21 scissors

Prayers for Mr Woodcock back. Having an 8th grade girl and the drama.