1st F 06/05/2023 11’s to hide the run

QiC: Scope
Date: 06/05/2023
Title: 11’s to hide the run
Number of HIMs: 7
BCG, Butterfingers, Chum, Marv, Murdock, Trophy

Number of FNGs: 0
Name of FNGs:

5 tenants
Wide leg- middle, left, right
Trunk twist
Sponge Bob/missy Elliot
Arm circles-front/back

Grab the ole girl and back on the flag.

Tha Thang:
Everyone knows you have to give the run to the Clydesdales in small chunks… so we hid the run today.

Doing 11’s with station 1 being the flag and station 2 being the end of the parking lot by the garbage.

First round:
Station 1=curls
Stations 2= hand release merks

Second round:
Station 1= big boys
Station 2= squats

Lots of reps and never stop moving… they barely noticed or commented on the 2.5 miles of jogging.

Happy birthday to Chum who modified by running with bigsly but made the back last on account of the muffins!

Speed for need needs corporate sponsors

BCG’s moving.

Doobie’s wife/trophy’s neighbor/murdock’s bicep for healing.

Travel mercies for everyone this summer