1st F 06/01/2023 F3 One year fun

QiC: Skinny Dip
Date: 06/01/2023
Title: F3 One year fun
Number of HIMs: 9
Bogey, Cheddar Biscuit, Dizzy, DQ, Mr. Miyagi, PASTEL, R-12, Skinny Dip, Tutti Frutti

Number of FNGs: 0
Name of FNGs:

Monkey humpers, table tops, cat/cow, bad dogs, 4 point cossack stretch, worlds greatest stretch, squat roatations….all should be becoming more flexible but they aren't
This workout honors Medal of Honor recipient SSG Travis Atkins of Delta Company 2nd Battalion 14th Infantry Regiment. This was my first unit when I joined the military. SSG Atkins lost his life when on a patrol he noticed suspicious individuals near his convoy. He searched them and when one attempted to attack him he noticed a suicide vest. He called for his three soldiers to run and he bear hugged/grappled with the insurgent until the suicide vest detonated. Three Soldiers lives were saved and possibly more had it not been for the courageous actions of SSG Atkins on 01 June 2007. We honor him

Tha Thang:
Vest up and walk to the Start point.
1300m KB farmers carry burden run. Team work and if we drop the bells, 20 burpee penalty. Three men carry the bells as far as they can and hand it off to a teamate.
Return to start point.
Split up. 5 on my side of road and 4 on the other side of road. Wounded bear crawl on curb to first exercise. One side 15 KB swings the other 10 SB Over shoulder toss. Wounded Bear crawl. One side 5 Hurrppees. The other side 31 SPartan burpees (age of SSG Atkins). Wounded BEAR crawl for one side to 15 jumping squats and then bear crawl to 5 Hurrpees. The other side Bear crawl to other side and executes 15 jumping squats. The teams now do wounded crawl bears to ensure both sides of body get work. Both teams complete the respective exercises (KB swings and spartan burpees and over the shoulder toss). Return equipment to vehicles

Mary…with a twist. Crunches with tennis ball, supermans with tennis ball, side planks with tennis ball, high plank with reach or Rachels as Dizzy stated and pulls, drippling tennis ball while in plank, catch tennis ball while in plank

Countarama, Namearama and burpees, pledge and prayer.
Thankful for this group. Talked to them what this group has done for my mental health this past year. Grateful!