1st F 06/01/2023 Big News

QiC: Joanna
Date: 06/01/2023
Title: Big News
Number of HIMs: 8
Flea, Lady Chablis, Miss Bliss, Rapinoe, Sparky, Termite, Turtle

Number of FNGs: 0
Name of FNGs:

21s-we failed 5 burpees
4 count squats

mumble chatter as to why we only have 8 today….first time in a long time not to be in double digits.

Tha Thang:
Modified version of Charles Bronson:

Start at one end of parking lot with 50 reps of exercise
Sprint to other end of parking lot, drop down and bear crawl 10 yards
5 burpees
mosey back, repeat
Round 1: carolina dry docks
round 2: merkins
round 3: squats
round 4: jump squats
round 5: LBC

"Burpicides" (named by Flea)
1st stop: 5 spartan burpees
2nd stop: 10 merkins
3rd stop: 15 squats
4th stop: 10 burpees

Each pax returned to starting point like true suicides hitting each movement as we moved forward.

5 minutes of mary with all 8 pax picking a movement

countorama, namorama,
I talked about how F3 is life changing for all men who buy into the process. We need to remember when EHing other men not to make it seem that we are a workout group, but a men's group who choose to work out during our time together. The lessons and brotherhood benefits outweigh the physical benefit we receive each gloom we show up. I passed the torch of Island Site Q to Rapinoe who has been an outstanding leader to our islands location and all of F3 Coastal Empire. Keep leading us man!