1st F 05/26/2023 We are not good at throwing wrenches

QiC: Patches
Date: 05/26/2023
Title: We are not good at throwing wrenches
Number of HIMs: 8
Door Jam, Mr. Miyagi, Patches, Pergo, Spokes

Number of FNGs: 0
Name of FNGs:

Downward Dog/Cobra
5 Merks
Runner Stretch
Mountain Man Poopers
Right/Left leg stretch
Right over left/left over right
Mosey to light pole and back to grab Cindy

Tha Thang:
Today marked my 1 year anniversary of F3 so I decided to take my VQ modify it a little and use it this morning. HIM's were split into 2 teams of 4. We alternated timers from each team while the group performed the exercise from the list. 2 cones were 15 yards apart and the timer had to bear crawl down, karaoke back, crawl bear down, bernie back, run to the wrench, try to throw it into the hula hoop (10 yards) for a point, sprint to get the wrench and bring it back to the starting point. Timer from other team would go and repeat the process. Exercises included- Incline Merks, Shoulder taps, Chest press, Dips, Burpees, Curls, Gas pumpers, and OHP's. We made it through a little over 3 times and quickly realized that we aren't very good at wrench throwing but are pretty confident that we are excellent wrench dodgers. Team Average Joes, Pergo, Spokes, Patches, and Sport Mode came out on top by throwing a 2-0 shut out against the Globo Gym's Purple Cobras, Door jam, Mr. Miyagi, McNugget, and Soft Shell.
Thankful for F3 and for all the guys for taking me under their wing. Best decision I made showing up at the Colosseum a year ago knowing nobody but left feeling like I knew everybody. Seeing your leadership skills, dedication ,and commitment each morning pushed me to keep getting after it. Thanks for leaving no man behind and leaving no man where you found him, Preciate you all!

Pray- Sport mode mom, DJ brother and Brother in law, Spokes unspoken, Pergo,s M