1st F 05/17/2023 Get Lit

QiC: Doobie
Date: 05/17/2023
Title: Get Lit
Number of HIMs: 22
Baby Ray, Bartman, Beads, Brick, Captain D, Chum, Doobie, Duke, Dump truck, Dunder, Fresh Prince, Greenspan, LiveWire, Milkman, Mr. Woodcock, Old Yeller, Pulp Fiction, Shark Tank, Smoke, Washout, Webster, Wild Thing

Number of FNGs: 0
Name of FNGs:

Pledge, High Knees Run in place with Arm Circles, 5 Tenets
Imperial Walkers
Slow Merkins
Side Plank Hip Ups
Slow Squats

Tha Thang:
Triple Up. One brick (hurtlocker), one Frisbee, one Free.
Mosey to lower parking lot Blue Light Special.
From Blue Light to New Turf, three Frisbee throws (alternate 5 Manmaker/Burpee; 10 2-count American Hammer/15 squats or 5 Kettlebell Swings); one partner runs with Frisbee while the other two throw; if you drop frisbee, complete exercise immediately. MARY until all groups got to New Turf.

10min as many light poles as possible (10 rep / throw to hit light pole: merkins/situps/airsquats). alternate rifle carry to each light pole.

Partners run back to hurtlocker change Cindy carry each light pole, stay together.

Namarama, #rama

Jesus to the crowd: Matthew 12:46-50 "for everyone that follows God's Word is my brother, sister and mother."
Be there for your Brothers and Sisters this week!

Prayers/Praises: @plupfiction, coworker Jennifer going through challenging time; @washout, friend working through issues. Unspokens! Finish School Year STRONG!

Touch 2, Prayer, SEIZE HUMP DAY!