QiC: Scope
Date: 05/15/2023
Title: Mental muscles monday
Number of HIMs: 6
BCG, Butterfingers, Low Tide, Papa Doc, Trophy
Number of FNGs: 0
Name of FNGs:
Imperial walkers-15 IC
Straight leg stretch/right over left/left over right
Wide leg-right/left
Grab papa doc and head out.
Tha Thang:
My M got baptized this weekend, so mental muscle Monday theme was theology.
Jog out through the parking lot to the stop sign by the new gym.
Fact1) there are 7 major baptismal themes most theological scholars will track in the Bible.
70 LBC’s to drive the point home.
Continue to the right down to the tennis courts where we are going to review all 7.
The work is a suicide to the far side of all three tennis courts. At each far side of the tennis court, stop and do your exercise times the reps assigned.
Fact2) the first baptismal theme is the baptism of Moses, setting the nation of Israel apart. (1 Cor 10:1-3). Exercise is 10 hand release merks.
Fact3) the baptism of John, where the baptism in water is symbolic of repentance. (Mark 1:4) ex. 14 squats
Fact4) the baptism of Christ, where Christ was humbling himself and signifying his humanity (Matt 3:13-15) ex. 15 big boys
Fact 5) Christ bringing a baptism by fire, signifying his coming just judgement.(Matt 3-11:12). Saved for last and ran out of time.
Fact6) the baptism of the Holy Spirit, signifying we are all brought into one family by the in dwelling of the Holy Spirit at conversion. (1 Cor 12:13) 13 hand releases
Fact7) the baptism of the cross, signifying the likely suffering of all those who follow Christ (Mark10: 35-40) 40 squats.
Fact 8) the baptism of believers, the physical sign of a willingness to follow Christ in view of all. (Matt28: 19-20)
Prayer for Trophy’s M-Job
Prayers for last week of school
Prayers for BCG’s PCS.
Encouragement- Rev 5: 1-12… Christ is worthy of our best so try to find that one thing that you are still holding on to and lay it down.