1st F 05/12/2023 Plank up and Pull up

QiC: TestTube
Date: 05/12/2023
Title: Plank up and Pull up
Number of HIMs: 6
Betty Crocker, DQ, Octagon, Radar, Sweet -n -low

Number of FNGs: 0
Name of FNGs:

Plank, downward dog into cobra, Shoulder Taps, mountain climbers, through the tunnel, Moroccan night clubs, chinooks, warmup Mother’s Day reminder burpees

Tha Thang:
Indian Run to the back parking lot

Split into 1’s & 2’s

Line up at end of parking lot. Last person runs to pull up/dip bars. Performs 5 reps of bar exercise and runs back. This is the timer for the others who are performing a rotation of exercises.

Line 1: 5 pull-ups while line is completing workout
Line 2: 5 Dips while line is completing workout

After 5 reps run to front of other line(if you ran and did pull ups, you run back to the front of the line doing dips), last person runs to pull up/dip bars. Lines progressing forward to other end of parking lot. Bear crawl final parking row line

Exercises during pull up/dip run

H/R Mer’cans




Side Plank

Other Side Plank



American Hammers

Carolina Dry Docks

H/R Mer’cans


Plank (Test Tube and Sweet n Low held left side plank to even out, couldn’t go into the weekend leaning to one side)


Long run back to the flag

Mary – Flutter Kicks, Dead Cockroaches, Crunchy Frogs, Slow to fast Freddie Merc’s, Sakrete Basketballs Dribblers, Gas Pumpers

Announcements: Farm Ruck, Charleston Ruck

Prayers: Darrel Cates Heart Surgery, Radar’s daughter’s wedding, and celebrating moms for Mother’s Day