1st F 05/08/2023 Gorilla Complex

QiC: Pergo
Date: 05/08/2023
Title: Gorilla Complex
Number of HIMs: 5
Bullwinkle, Mr. Miyagi, Patches, Spokes

Number of FNGs: 0
Name of FNGs:

Plank w/disclaimer
Cobra and Downward dog stretch
Runners stretch
21’s (added penalty burpees)
Moroccan nightclubs

Tha Thang:
8 curls
8 front raises
8 tri-cep extension
8 merkins
Mosey 50 yds and back
8 times.
Then we moseyed around the loop with the six doing two burpees and running to the front
Back in time for some Mary
LBC’s – 25 in cadence (nice and slow)
Hammers – 15 in cadence
E2K – 20 each side OYO
Then we circled up in an Al Gore and passed around a Cindy for a minute then 2 Cindy’s then 3 Cindy’s.

CoR and NoR Colosseum style
Pledge and Pray
Prayers for member of Spokes’s church who has to make a tough choice today.
Prayers for a friend of Patches
Upcoming Farm Ruck and Mini Grow Ruck in Charleston