1st F 04/28/2023 Zooming along

QiC: _Not Registered
Date: 04/28/2023
Title: Zooming along
Number of HIMs: 2
Door Jam

Number of FNGs: 0
Name of FNGs:

The M is out of town and Clinger needs sleep on a school day so I jumped on one of the Zoom workouts that are still going on for Pax that can’t get to one in person. I’ve made use of these before when she’s traveling, when we had covid, etc. It’s not as good as posting normally, but it beats trying to do something yourself and it’s nice getting to see some different faces.

Scales was out with a migraine so Shamwow took over.
SSH 1 min
LBAC 1 min
Seal claps 1 min
Michael Phelps 1 min

Tha Thang:
Ladder workout, 2 reps of each exercise, then 4 reps, etc up to 12. Then, 2 min run in place, and on to the next set of exercises.

Merkins – Squats – Jump squats
Burpees – Lunges (2ct) – Side lunges (2ct)
WWIs – Dollies (1ct) – Freddie Mercs (4ct)
Curls – Lawnmowers (2ct) – OHP

Finish with 20 Hammers (4ct)

Shamwow back after two weeks off for medical treatment
YHC’s M traveling back from Atlanta