1st F 04/28/2023 Raphael turns 9 today!

QiC: Mr. Miyagi
Date: 04/28/2023
Title: Raphael turns 9 today!
Number of HIMs: 4
Bullwinkle, Pergo, Spokes

Number of FNGs: 0
Name of FNGs:

Plank with disclaimer, calf stretches (MOO) and cobra dives
Arm and leg stretches
TTTs x15 IC
SSHs x15 IC

Tha Thang:
In honor of my son Raphael(Alan Jr is his hospital name) turning 9, this Q is themed by his birth date, which is 4/28/2014.

4 full laps around the bus loops, repeating 4 stops for each lap.

First stop is 28 hand release merkins.

Second stop is 14 V-ups.

Third stop is 9 burpees.

When Raphael was born he weighed 7lbs 3 Oz, and 7×3=21, so……..
Fouth stop is 21sumo squats.

We all exercises on que as a group on the last lap.

Prayers for Lisa Bush and family
Prayers for my Raphael just got braces
Honker's Farm Ruck on May 20
The Foundry convergence on May 6 at 6am
CPR certification training also on May 6 at 9am

Pergo reminded us to never let excuses hinder us from making ourselves better in life.