QiC: Sakrete
Date: 04/18/2023
Title: Let’s flip some log…..Nevermind that won’t work
Number of HIMs: 6
Mr. Miyagi, Orange Juice, Patches, Pergo, Sakrete, ShamWow
Number of FNGs: 0
Name of FNGs:
Plank w/rocking back on calves- Discuss core principles
5 merkins on Q
Plank with left arm up- discuss mission statement
5 Carolina dry docks on Q
Plank with right arm up- discuss Credo
5 Mountain Climbers IC
Flamingo stretch each leg for a group 15 count
15 Hillbillies IC
Tha Thang:
YHC had two stations set up. 1 had 2 8” regs and 1 had 2 landscaping bricks
Group gathered in middle of the two. One at a time each PAX will mosey to station 1 do 2 burpees and 30 shoulder shrugs with 2 8” block then mosey to station 2 and do 3 burpees and 15 lat each arm and 15 front raises with landscaping brick.
While PAX was running and doing exercises remaining PAX did 1 exercise until failure and if a break is needed 10 calf raises and back in the fight.
Exercises were as follow:
Tri cep extensions
Curls for girls
Chest press
Over head press
Lawn mower
Shoulder taps
After each PAX did running and exercises partner up for Dora. 1st parter runs around 1st island and back while partner 2 exercises: Alternate
100 squats
200 calf raises
300 Ray Charles (no one completed)
Stow all coupons. Bear crawl length of bus shed and return to fkag
The intention was to flip logs as the timer but those logs aren’t fit for human flipping. Always have a plan B in the hopper
Continued praise report for ShamWows mom, Patches daughter and Lisa Bush. Prayed for Raphael as he heads for his last pre test for black belt Saturday