1st F 04/07/2023 Field Fun Friday

QiC: Betty Crocker
Date: 04/07/2023
Title: Field Fun Friday
Number of HIMs: 8
Betty Crocker, Cropduster, French Press, Honker, Octagon, Pergo, Radar, TestTube

Number of FNGs: 0
Name of FNGs:

Plank with disclaimer, review of F3 Mission, and review of 5 core principles in order.
Motivators from 8
T^3 * 15
MNC * 15

Head into the stadium

Tha Thang:
Partner up based on age … Most respect PAX with youngest, 2nd most respect with 2nd youngest, etc

Work through the below circuit as a team, starting points varied to spread us out:
* From goal line, toss sandbag overhead to the other goal line as a team, 1 PAX tosses while the other PAX broad jumps. Swap as necessary, roughly every 20-25 yards.
* Exit field, run home bleachers CCW towards stadium entrance
* At field goal post, but outside fence, 40 Blockee Blairs as a team. Resting PAX holds plank, swap as needed
* Run away bleachers CCW
* At field goal post but outside fence, do 40 Merkin Blairs as a team. Resting PAX holds Al Gore. Swap as needed.
* Re-enter field, heading the opposite direction. Bear crawl sandbag drag the length of the girls as a team. 1 PAX drags, other lunges. Swap as necessary.
* Exit field, run away bleachers CCW
* Merkin Blairs/Al Gore *40 as a team
* Run home bleachers CCW
* Blockee Blairs/Plank * 30 as a team (reduced count 2nd time on these), should be back at start of the circuit.

I think everyone was just under 1 complete circuit.

Count, Namearama, AAR, announcements, pledge, prayer

AAR: Exercises were simple and tough, great cardio. Circuit was more confusing than intended, try to simplify that next time since we had to split the group. Blockee Blairs are terrible, thanks Hoochee

Happy Easter gents. For those that are Christians, Easter is what it's all about. He is risen.

Coffeeteria at Henry's. Miyagi met us there, but after the photo.