QiC: Skinny Dip
Date: 04/05/2023
Title: The pigeon has blown up and become a Kaitlyn
Number of HIMs: 14
Beaver, Captain Cheese, CPAP, Hoochie, Hot Pocket, Kirby, Pelosi, Skinny Dip, Spread Eagle, Tiny Tim, Waterboy, Worm
Number of FNGs: 0
Name of FNGs:
Trivia….on this day…
Worlds greatest stretch with pigeon now called Kaitlyn Jenner.
What courthouse did the Confederate Army go to to escape Richmond/Petersburg thinking there would be food but only found artillery and ammo? Beaver with the win. Amelia Court. 3x HR mericans
Continue with World's greatest stretch….
Red Scare tine frame….what couple who gave secrets to the Soviets received the death penalty… one got it. 3x kraken butpees. The Rosenbergs received the death penalty
Oyo tin soldiers 10L/10R
Last question…..local. what Army unit entered an Iraqi city for the first time during OIF…..i believe this was Laszlo or Pelosi for the win. 3ID and Baghdad. 3x HR mericans. 18 days after the start of combat operations. 3ID entered Baghdad and showed to the world how fast the US military could topple a government.
Partner up. Grab a KB (24KG, 20KG, 16KG) and one medicine ball at 50ish pounds
Tha Thang:
PARTNER A runs to a cone (maybe 150m away) and executes 5x burpees. PARTNER B suitcase carries the KB. Once partner A finishes burpees, runs back to change out with partner B. Partner B then runs to first cone and knocks out 5 burpees. By then Partner A has linked up with Partner B, Partner B then runs to the next cone to knock out 10 HR mericans. Partner A continues with KB until Partner B returns. Change over. Partner A then runs to cone and knocks out 10 HR mericans. Continue this going back and forth between the partners for two more cones (3rd cone 5 burpees, 4th cone 10 HR mericans). Once everyone reaches pull up bars (half mile from circle) knock out 2 pull ups.
Then execute the complex.
2 pull ups
4 HR mericans
6 Spartan burpees
8 goblet squats with KB or medicine ball
One partner starts at pull ups the other patner starts with goblet squats
Execute for 19 minutes
Return back to circle. Same concept but reverse order back to circle.
First cone – 10 HR mericans
Second cone – 5 burpees
Third cone – 10 HR mericans
Fourth cone – 5 burpees
Get back to circle and finish with 20x Burpees
20x 4 count flutter kicks
Stretch it with some Kaitlyns
Countarama, Namearama and pledge
Announcements- 1st F AND 2ND F at service brewery 06 April at 630 pm. Ruck or run. SD buys first round
15 April PACK event. Information has been put out by Beaver on Slack.