QiC: Vinyl
Date: 03/28/2023
Title: Work that Hoe
Number of HIMs: 5
Pergo, Sakrete, ShamWow, Tin Cup
Number of FNGs: 0
Name of FNGs:
Arm and leg stretches
Side straddle hops
Mosey to wake up Cindy
Tha Thang:
20 OHP
20 Chest Press
10 WWII's.
20 Squats
30 Calf Raises
Mosey to shovel flag and back– roughly 30 yards
2 man team double teamed the hoe –25 yards around cone and back then return to PAX routine
After mosey next 2 Man team double teamed hoe
We did this until everyone went twice
Switched up to tag team style — One man worked the whole 25 yards and back
Next PAX took over as soon as he returned.
Next Pax stepped up to take a turn and so on.
I'm sure you get the point.
Everyone worked the hoe four times total.
Loaded the hoe with all five Cindy's and return them to home as a team
Lots of Reps done
Pledge , Pray
Taco Ruck
Honker Farm Ruck