1st F 03/24/2023 2018 IronPAX: Week 1 Revisited

QiC: Mr. Miyagi
Date: 03/24/2023
Title: 2018 IronPAX: Week 1 Revisited
Number of HIMs: 5
Betty Crocker, Patches, Pergo, Spokes

Number of FNGs: 0
Name of FNGs:

Plank and disclaimer
In plank position, stretch one arm up to the sky then swap arms
Recover, then some arm and leg stretches

Tha Thang:
I decided to revisit an old IronPAX workout, I found Week 1 from 2018.

4 rounds for time

50 air squats
40 WW2
30 merkins
20 Bonnie Blairs (2 legs=1 count)
10 burbees
Run 400 meters

Total numbers: 200 squats, 160 WW2, 120 merkins, 80 Bonnie Blairs, 40 burpees

The goal for this workout was to try to get 4 rounds in, which all did make it there, but the whole group finished the final 400 meters together. YHC almost merloted at his own Q.

Prayers for safe travels for Betty Crocker as he travels to a good friend's father's funeral in Valdosta, as well as prayers for his friend Craig Willis.
Continued prayers for Patches daughter.
Continued prayers and for Lisa Bush.

Growruck in October.
Taco ruck on Wilmington Island April 22.
Honker farm ruck workout May 20.