1st F 03/22/2023 Wait, I have the Q today?

QiC: Door Jam
Date: 03/22/2023
Title: Wait, I have the Q today?
Number of HIMs: 4
Bullwinkle, Door Jam, Patches, Pergo

Number of FNGs: 0
Name of FNGs:

Various leg stretches
Michael Phelps

Tha Thang:
Forgot I had the Q until on the way there today… decided we'd go for a little mosey.

Start off up Rogers towards the rec park.
6 burpees OYO for two unlit cop cars
Bear crawl the bridge
Arrive at the park, head around back to the concession stand
30 stepups OYO
25 dips OC
40 LBCs IC
20 derkins OYO
25 mountain man poopers IC (thanks Pergo)
42 gas pumpers IC
50 calf raises OYO
Brief calf stretch
Start to mosey back, Bernie across the parking lot
Continue the mosey
5 burpees OYO for lit up fire truck
3 burpees for a rooster
3 burpees for another unlit cop car
bear crawl the bridge
Arrive back at the flag to find Teddy

Convergence at the Foundry in work for May 6
Next ruck event in work for April 22
Ruck at Honker's farm May 20
Prayers for my M traveling to Atlanta for school stuff