1st F 02/28/2023 Meet in the Middle

QiC: TestTube
Date: 02/28/2023
Title: Meet in the Middle
Number of HIMs: 7
Patches, Pergo, Sakrete, ShamWow, Tin Cup, Vinyl

Number of FNGs: 0
Name of FNGs:

Plank, arm up, downward dog into cobra, mountain climbers, through the tunnel, Moroccan night clubs, chinooks, phelps, calf raises


Tha Thang:
Split into 2 teams. All begin at Central Station, 5 burpees; 1 team going to Station 1 to start, the other going to Station 3. Mosey to station 1 20 reps; mosey back to central, 5 burpees; mosey out to station 2, 20 reps; mosey back to central, 5 burpees; etc

1 team (Patches, Pergo, & ShamWow) were monsters and made it through 5 rounds. Q made note to increase their rep expectations accordingly for next time.

Central Station: 5 burpees

Round 1
Station 1: 20 OHP

Station 2: 20 WW2

Station 3: 20 Squats

Station 4: 20 Merkins

Round 2
Station 1: 20 Curls

Station 2: 20 Freddie Merc

Station 3: 20 Bonnie Blairs

Station 4: 20 Curb Derkins

Round 3
Station 1: 20 Tricep Ext

Station 2: 20 LBC’s

Station 3: 20 Jump Squats

Station 4: 20 wide or diamond merkins

Round 4
Station 1: 20 Lawnmowers

Station 2: 20 Flutter kicks

Station 3: 20 Squats

Station 4: 20 Merkins

Continued prayer for Lisa Bush and Troy with GB, and Sakrete’s dad in retirement.