1st F 02/03/2023 Cindy murdered some bunnies

QiC: Door Jam
Date: 02/03/2023
Title: Cindy murdered some bunnies
Number of HIMs: 6
Door Jam, Fabuloso, Mr. Miyagi, Patches, Pergo, Sakrete

Number of FNGs: 0
Name of FNGs:

T^3 11 IC
Imperial walkers 21 IC
Michael Phelps and disclaimer

Tha Thang:
Obtain Cindy and line up at the first tree.

Murder bunny to the neck tree.
Incline merks 20 OYO
Cindy squats 20 OC
Curls 10 IC
Repeat above 4x

Realized the murder bunnies were killing my elbow, plus it wasn't wet enough to really do what I wanted. Called an audible.

Pick up Cindy, rifle carry to the awning. Along the way, OHPs IC.

Blockees 10 OYO
Lawnmowers 25/side OYO
New exercise – "scrubbers" – KB swing straight into a skullcrusher – 15 OYO
Peoples' chair 1 min
Chest press 50 OYO
WWIs 51 OC
Superman hold 90 sec
Side planks
Flutters with Cindy 20 IC
LBCs 100 OYO

Gather Cindy and rifle carry her home

Prayers for Patches' daughter recovering from surgery
Prayers for Lisa with G-B syndrome
Ranch Tuesday launch next week 0500, BC has the Q

Had a brief discussion about 3S2T – for those that aren't familiar, that's Strength, Speed, Stamina, Toughness (physical) and Toughness (mental). These are the areas where our workouts are intended to build. Encouraged the Pax to look at their workouts and see what they can do to build on the areas we (as an AO) need work