QiC: Patches
Date: 01/13/2023
Title: Honoring Cardinal
Number of HIMs: 5
Door Jam, Garmin, Patches, Pergo, Sakrete
Number of FNGs: 0
Name of FNGs:
10- Tempo Merks
10- Flutter Kicks Double Count
10- LBAC Forward
10- LBAC Reverse
Michael Phelps
10- Hallelujah's
10- Knoxville Cherry Pickers
Samson Hold- until grumbling
10- Willie Mayes Hayes
Tha Thang:
Pax decided to wear Red in honor of Cardinal and completed his VQ
Round 1- Complete 5 Burpees, 5 Big boys, 5 Heels to Heaven Run 160 meters down 160 meters back and completed another set of 5's, run 160 down, 160 back…
Round 2- Complete 10 burpee's, 10 LBC'c, 10 mountain climbers double count, Run 160m down, 160m back, complete another set of 10's, run 160m down, 160m back
Round 3- Complete 15 burpees, 15 Air squats, 15 freddy mercurys, Run 160m down, 160m back, Complete another set of 15's, run 160m down, 160m back
20 burpees
COR, NOR with burpees
Announcements- discussed the importance of looking out for each other and ways to improve safety at the Gloom, Lots of rucking opportunities available, Revival at countryside this Sunday-Wednesday 7:00,
Prayer request- Baby watch, Garmins bride and DJ's sister in law, Prayed for comfort and Peace for Cardinals family.