1st F 12/01/2022 The Underground Monthly Benchmark WO

QiC: Bogey
Date: 12/01/2022
Title: The Underground Monthly Benchmark WO
Number of HIMs: 5
Bogey, Fro-Zone, Honker, R-12

Number of FNGs: 0
Name of FNGs:

Welcome to the Underground!

1. Side straddle hops to 25 IC
2. slow Merks
3. runners stretch, both legs
4. pigeon stretch
5. standing leg cradle
6. crouching glute stretch
7. groin stretch
8. child’s pose
9. seated spinal twist
10. piriformis stretch (tutti stretch)

Tha Thang:
9/11 Never Forget Benchmark Workout

Buy-In: 1.25ish mi weighted vest run

Then 9 rounds of the following while wearing weight:
11x lunges
11x sandbag thrusters
11x sandbag rows
11x sandbag over the shoulder throws
11x sandbag single leg deadlifts

Had a variety of options for weight to spice it up. Needless to say we all warmed up very quickly during this blustery morning in the gloom.

Coolerama was shortened to let us get after it a few more rounds. Did scarecrows and I can’t remember what else.


Prayers for Swashbuckler’s trip up north to help take care of his twin brother. Tutti’s M. Speed 4 Need this Sat morning. And a gentle reminder to take care of each other as this holiday season isn’t the same for everyone. No one should feel alone.

Pledge, pray, and on our way!