1st F 11/30/2022 Chutes and Ladders

QiC: Betty Crocker
Date: 11/30/2022
Title: Chutes and Ladders
Number of HIMs: 9
Betty Crocker, Brady Bunch, French Press, Gumbo, Quikrete, Spam, Sweet -n -low, TestTube

Number of FNGs: 0
Name of FNGs:

Plank with disclaimer and review of the F3 Mission. Right arm up and left arm planks too.

Then motivators all the way from 10. That took a little while.

Tha Thang:
Grab Cindy and mosey to the turf field where a set of running parachutes was already laying in the endzone. Point Break (a movie so great they've made it twice) had skydiving … Which uses parachutes … So that explains the PreBlast last night.

As a group, we would do 30s … Merkins and Curls that always add up to 30, starting with 20 Merkins and 10 curls at the goal line.

After each set, 1 PAX sprints 200 yards with the chute attached while the rest of the PAX sit back to back for wall sits.

After the sprint, lunge with Cindy to advance 10 yards. 19 Merkins & 11 curls at the 10. 18 & 12 at the 20, and so on all the way to other goal line. Complete 165 Merkins and 165 Curls with this ladder routine.

Once complete with all 11 rounds, we'd work our way back to the original goal line with various Cindy exercises while walking and each pax getting another parachute sprint in of 100 yards.

Back at the start, one last challenge, Flame had to put the chute on and sprint against the rest of us sprinting without chutes for 100 yards. Guess what, Flame still won. Dude is fast.

Countarama, Namearama, AAR, Announcements, Pledge, Prayer

Continued prayers for the Best family and the Bragg family as they mourn the loss of family members. Pray for us to continue to lead as men with our families, in our community, at work, and however else we are called to lead.