1st F 11/28/2022 So long turkey

QiC: Pergo
Date: 11/28/2022
Title: So long turkey
Number of HIMs: 4
Door Jam, Mr. Miyagi, Patches

Number of FNGs: 0
Name of FNGs:

Plank with disclaimer and 5 core principles
Pax failed to give 5 core in proper order (2x) so we added penalty merkins
Then runner stretch
Then 25 side bends with block (each side)
Then 21 (we failed so 5 penalty burpees)

Tha Thang:
10 Bonnie Blairs
10 jump squats
10 ssh (4 count)
10 merkins
10 burpees
Do this for 5 rounds
10 windshield wipers
20 hammers
30 WW1’s
40 shoulder taps
Do this for 5 rounds
20 curls for the girls (IC)
Run a cool down lap

Leadership principle shared – Men who sweat the most in training bleed the least in war.
Prayers for Door Jamb’s friend recovering from brain cancer surgery.
Prayers for Patches’s aunt recovery from breast cancer surgery and her surgeon who has brain cancer.
Prayers to be the HIM God has called us to be.
Prayers the Mr. Miyagi brings the flag back Wednesday.
Pledge and pray
Qsource followed.