1st F 11/17/2022 Iron Mike’s and sprints

QiC: Skinny Dip
Date: 11/17/2022
Title: Iron Mike's and sprints
Number of HIMs: 11
_Not Registered, Beaver, Cardone, Flo, Hoochie, Hot Pocket, Joanna, Khaki, Kirby, Skinny Dip, Spread Eagle

Number of FNGs: 0
Name of FNGs:

Head down to your ankles rotations
Worlds greatest stretch
Mosey to the church

Tha Thang:
Iron Cat run – group A: 25 yd down and back 50 yard down and back 75 yards down and back 100 yards down and back
Group B: plank Jack's until group A comes back. Group B then conducts the Iron Cat run. Group A then plank Jack's.
Conduct twice

Next set- Group A suitcase carry with varying KB weight down to 100 yard mark and then swaps hands. Walk back to start point. Group B is conducting power hops for 10 yards continously until Group A returns. Then groups swap.

Next set. Group A – 2 min of Iron Mike's (one bonnie Blair (hardstyle) with burpee) shuffle 10 yards, conduct one one burpee shuffle; 2 Bonnie Blairs with two burpees, shuffle ten yards, two burpees, shuffle 10 yards; 3 Bonnie Blairs with three burpees, shuffle 10 yards, three burpees, shuffle 10 years; 4 Bonnie Blairs with four burpees, shuffle 10 yards, four burpees, shuffle 10 yards; 5 Bonnie Blairs with five burpees, shuffle 10 yards, five burpees, shuffle 10 yards
Group B is conducting with KB situp with military press for two minutes.
At two minute mark all gather up move over to start point. Group A power skips for 50 yards. Group B high plank. Then swap.
Repeat Iron Mike's for one minute this time. Same as above. Group B conducting situps with military press
Once complete gather up and set up for 100 yard sprints (25 yards down and back four times). Group B is high planks. Then swap with group A.
Mosey back to flag and finish out for last 1 minute with Flutter kicks!!

Count off, Namearama, history lesson on 1LT Bernard Ray who received the MoH for his actions on 17 November 1944 in the Hurtgen Forest near Schevenhutte, Germany. We honor his service. Pledge of Allegiance!
Prayers for F3 peeps in Coastal Empire region!
Sign up for flag football…see Tiny Tim before 25 November. Pooler boys vs island/LM/landings boys vs richmond hill boys
Prayers for Cardone and his father! Prayers for anyone who is struggling. Please reach out. You can talk to me ole Skinny Dip. Been through some stuff in my life. I am a great listener!!! Also, please pray for my wife. Found out she is pregnant and this will be a high risk and so we need all Prayers!!! God bless you all.