1st F 11/03/2022 Return of the BLIMPS

QiC: Rapinoe
Date: 11/03/2022
Title: Return of the BLIMPS
Number of HIMs: 9
CPAP, Flea, Ichiro, Joanna, No Fault Found, Sparky, Splinter, Turtle

Number of FNGs: 0
Name of FNGs:

SSH, TTT, IW, Arm Circles all IC

Tha Thang:
Partner BLIMPS

100 Burpees, 100 Lunges (hard way), 100 Imperial Walkers (hard way), 100 Merkins, 100 Plank Jacks, 100 Squats
One partner works, the “resting” partner moseys to the pull-up station for 10 pull-ups and then picks up where the count is for each movement.
We had a group of 3 doing 150…and hardworking team of 2 do 150 as well.

Mary: 20 Double calf raises, 10 Right calf raises, 10 Left calf raises, 20 Double calf raises, 25 American Hammers (hard way), 25 Reverse Crunches, 10 Peter Parker’s to finish the day!

Place to Dream event next Thursday, Run or Ruck days tomorrow, Saturday at Daffin, EH some Fartsackers we haven’t seen in a while! They are getting soft!
Prayer to lead well and not waste the influence we have been given!