QiC: Turtle
Date: 10/25/2022
Title: Double Stack with Cindy
Number of HIMs: 15
CPAP, Flea, Ichiro, Joanna, Lady Chablis, Puff, Rapinoe, Soft tail, Splinter
Number of FNGs: 2
Name of FNGs: Dirty Red, Slim Jim
TTT x11
Arm Circles x11
Reverse Arm Circle x11
Raise the Roof x11
SSH x11
Mosey to get a Cindy
Tha Thang:
Stack #1 (All reps are 11)
Merkins, run to next station
Merkins and Squats, run to next station
Merkins, squats, curls, next station
Merkins, squats, curls, kettle bells
25 big boy sit-ups, then start Stack #2
Stack #2 (all reps 11)
Overhead press, next station
Overhead press and calf raises, next station
Overhead press, calf raises and tricep ext., next station
Overhead press, calf raises, tri ext., and lunges (hard way)
Complete 25 LBC’s
Back to start and repeat starting with Stack #1. Most Pax completed two rounds, several did more.
Ended with Hello Dollys and American Hammers.
Welcomed Swingset and Midfield from Kentucky and they brought two FNG’s. Named the FNG’s Dirty Red and Slim Jim. Pledge and prayed for Bryan Schindler, Cardones family and praise for the opportunity to workout together.