1st F 10/22/2022 Talkin’ Bout Track Practice

QiC: ShamWow
Date: 10/22/2022
Title: Talkin' Bout Track Practice
Number of HIMs: 8
2 Piece, Door Jam, French Press, Sakrete, Sherman, Sweet -n -low, Vinyl

Number of FNGs: 0
Name of FNGs:

Side-to-side stretch (disclaimer)
15x through the tunnel
12x chinook, each direction
12x little baby arm circles, each direction

Tha Thang:
Mosey to get cindys
Rifle carry cindys back to flags/start lin
Start running the 'track'
After every lap do lap# x 2 of-
-Overhead Press
-Lawnmowers (LR = 1)
After every 5th lap hold AG until the next catches up
Long route, any carry, to put up cindys
Mosey back to flags

10x WWII situps
10x box cutters
10x little baby crunches
10x WWI situps

Speed4Need Dec 3 Bridge Run 10k
Praise & Prayer for Sakrete's friend
Sweet-n-low PAX family member accident, coworkers' spouses
Group encouragement and appreciation