QiC: Sakrete
Date: 10/05/2022
Title: Braves inspired over ambitious Q
Number of HIMs: 5
Door Jam, Mr. Miyagi, Patches, Pergo
Number of FNGs: 0
Name of FNGs:
YHC was up late watching The Braves win the NL East AGAIN. Came sliding in on two wheels at 0459.
Plank to discuss core principles.
5 merkins on Q (same # of years the Braves have won the NL East consecutively)
Plank to discuss F3 mission statement
5 merkins on Q (see above)
20 LBAC forward IC
2 burpees OYO (# of runs scored last night by the Braves)
20 LBAC reverse IC
1 burpee OYO (# of runs the Marlins scored last night)
20 Overhead Claps IC
5 burpees (# of consecutive years the Braves have won the NL East)
20 Imperial walkers IC
62 calf raises OYO (Aaron Judge hit #62 home run this season last night as well)
Tha Thang:
Indian run to speed bumps in front of the middle school. Jailbreak two speeds bumps. Walk one. Rinse and repeat through all speed bumps. Gather at parking lot on other end of school.
Here comes the over ambitious part
21s. Yeah like 11s but more reps/more time and more stupid
Hand release merkins on one side of parking lot. Mosey across to island (3/4 across) and Bernie Sanders to end of parking lot. WW1 sit-ups.
Called audible after YHC reached 10.
11 WW1 sit-ups on Q.
Walk back to speed bumps in front of middle school.
32 calf raises on Q(half of # HRs that Judge fella hit)
Walk one speed bump. Jail break two. Rinse and repeat through remaining speed bumps
32 calf raises on Q (remaining half for Judges HR)
*Pergo had a bright idea here. More on that later*
Indian run back to flag finishing out bus loop.
Pergo decided that we should do 101 calf raises on Q for the # of wins the Braves won this season. So we did.
51 calf raises on Q. (Just over half of the wins)
3 burpees OYO for the 3 runs scored last night.
50 calf raises on Q. (Remaining for the wins)
5 burpees during Namarama (# of years consecutive Braves won NL East)
Launch at The Ranch 10/8. 0600. Door Jam and YHC with the Q.
Speed4Need in December. Looking for PAX to work the expo Friday before.
Pledge pray and on our way