1st F 09/26/2022 Waking the Log Up

QiC: Sakrete
Date: 09/26/2022
Title: Waking the Log Up
Number of HIMs: 6
Fro-Zone, Hosier, Mr. Miyagi, Patches, Windex

Number of FNGs: 0
Name of FNGs:

Plank to discuss core principles.
10 merkins
Plank to discuss mission statement
10 merkins
10 LBAC forward and reverse IC
10 OHClaps
10 Imperial Walkers
Wake up Cindy and her log friend (1 block per and 1 log total)

Tha Thang:
Log had to be advanced one pole at a time the entire bus loop. Partner up. 1 group carries log (2man carry) and sprints back. Other Pax doing exercise called by YHC. Once group 1 gets back….rifle carry block up to next pole where the log is waiting. Group 2 repeats. Then group 3. Each group carried the log 3 times.

Exercises were as follows: Curls, Tri-Cep extension, OHP, chest press, lawn mowers each side

The Ranch launch OCT 8th
Speed4Need Bridge Run Dec 4? (Don’t quote me on the date)