1st F 08/27/2022 Tour De Countryside

QiC: Sakrete
Date: 08/27/2022
Title: Tour De Countryside
Number of HIMs: 7
Dado, Door Jam, Patches, ShamWow, Sweet -n -low, Vinyl

Number of FNGs: 0
Name of FNGs:

Couple different exercises to get loosened up. Don’t remember exacts birthday nothing out of ordinary.

Tha Thang:
Thunderstruck plank merkins- play Thunderstruck by AC/DC. Hold plank. Every time they say Thunder execute a merkin. When you break plank run to the island in middle of parking lot and back and get back in the fight. Song is 5 minutes.

Divide parking lot into 3 sections. 4 colosseums on one side. Run to next set of parking spaces and do 1 burpee. Back to starting point. 4 burpees. Mosey back to Middle island 2 burpees. Back to start 4 burpees. Mosey back to start. 4 colosseums. Get back to last island and do 3 burpees.

Grab Cindy and gather at small parking lot. Execute exercise and mosey to parking lot with basketball court. Jog to middle island and jail break to end. Walk straight away. Jog to middle island and jail break to starting point. Walk to corner nearest entrance to back lot. Do exercise. Mosey to corner by kids section and school do exercise. Mosey to corner by sanctuary. Do exercise. Walk behind church back to Cindy. Rinse and repeat until all exercises have been completed. First exercise is 50, then 45, then 40… etc. Exercises were as follows.
50 curls
45 squats
40 LBCs
35 Carolina dry docks
30 OHP
25 calf raises
20 WW1 sit ups
15 hand release merkins
10 lawn mowers each arm
5 burpees

After completing at the entrance to back lot mosey to front lot. Mosey to entrance to church. Sumo squat under awning. Mosey to Kids entrance. Lunge walk under awning. Do another lap but flip/flop exercises

PAX led Mary: everyone called their own exercise. Don’t remember them all because it’s been a week.

Did I mention this BB is a week late. Struggled to remember all this. Got to be more intentional. Tossed around some ideas for the name of this AO. (Since decided it will be The Ranch).

Pray and on our way