1st F 08/19/2022 More and more running

QiC: Radar
Date: 08/19/2022
Title: More and more running
Number of HIMs: 11
Betty Crocker, BoSox, Brady Bunch, Choke, Cropduster, Fro-Zone, Gumbo, R-12, Sweet -n -low, Uhaul

Number of FNGs: 0
Name of FNGs:

Apparently, I didn't get the word that this was supposed to involve "no-running"
Plank, disclaimer, 5 merks, nightclubs, chinooks, imp walkers, hillbillies, ttt's, donQ's

Tha Thang:
Mosey to back lot, series of 6 longer sprints, mosey back to cindy's

Round 1: "11's" … 2 stations, 1/10, 2/9, etc Station 1 curls, Station 2 monkey humpers, run between stations.
Round 2: "7's" … 2 stations, 1/6, 2/5, etc Station 1 tricep ext, Station 2 squats.

Return cindys, mosey to flag.
We also fit-in a couple of 5-burpee series for flyovers.
Another "on-time" finish

Landings launch this Saturday … early ruck, etc. Contact BC for info, car pool, etc.
Prayer for men's conference this evening (Compassion Church) and for co-worker of CropDuster who is in a child custody dispute (not seeing his kids, etc). Thanks for our health and many blessings.