1st F 07/23/2022 Time out (@expansion)

QiC: noodles
Date: 07/23/2022
Title: Time out (@expansion)
Number of HIMs: 7
Door Jam, noodles, Patches, ShamWow, Sherman

Number of FNGs: 1
Name of FNGs: leemajors

Backstreet stretches-x3, plank disclamier, SSH, TTT, Sealclaps, air press

Tha Thang:
1st Thang-Mosey with karaoke mixed in to the Station workout with timer
Round 1-SQT 45lb coupon, Weighted ball toss up, WWII with coupon, curl, pull up
Round 2- OHP 45lb coupon, A-Hmr, designated Driver (Hold out 15lb weight and turn left and right), tricep ext, pull up
Timer- 25 calf raises, farmer carry or Rifle carry coupon 50 yards
2nd Thang Four corners- each corner of lot- 5 burpees, 20 merks, 30 LBC
3rd thang-4 rounds of Mary

Prayer for young man struggling with depression and family issues, prayer for friend of Noodles. Pledge