1st F 07/15/2022 Fun Friday

QiC: Flat Tire
Date: 07/15/2022
Title: Fun Friday
Number of HIMs: 10
Betty Crocker, DQ, Flat Tire, Gumbo, Norm, Octagon, Portabella, Quikrete, Sweet -n -low

Number of FNGs: 0
Name of FNGs:

Chinooks, TTT, Sprinklers, Imp Walkers

Tha Thang:
YHC wanted to try some new exercises. Some from the exicon, some modifications of existing.
Get Cindy. Modified murder bunnies. Starting on the road at the light pole, perform a murder bunny and do a overhead press. Rinse and repeat until the next light pole was reached. The blank stares from the pax after the explanation was priceless. Mosey to the back lot.

Bataan Bear crawl- Pax get in a line and start bear crawls. The last pax does 5 burpees then taps the next pax while running to the front of the line and starts bear crawling. Rinse and repeat until all pax had cycled through. Sort of a Indian run bear crawl. 10 pax makes for a long time bear crawling.

Mosey to pull up bars. Burp ups- Do a burpee. At the top of the burpee jump and grab the bar and do a pull up. 20 reps.

Do Bataan crawl without burpees then another round of murder bunnies on the way back.

Plenty of time for Mary. Larp from Auburn lead with Homer and Marge, Quickrete introduced him to John Boats.

Story time with burpees mixed in.

Glad to have downrange pax Larp from Auburn join us. Most pax had a love/hate feeling for the new yet to be named exercise. Discussion on how to change it to make it even more fun.

Beach ruck tomorrow.

Pledge pray and on our way.

Always a pleasure to lead such a fine group of men.