QiC: Mr. Miyagi
Date: 07/13/2022
Title: How does the work you do speak for you?
Number of HIMs: 7
Bogey, Door Jam, Hosier, Patches, Pergo, Tutti Frutti
Number of FNGs: 0
Name of FNGs:
While in plank……Disclosure, calf stretches, right arm stretch, left arm stretch
Thru the tunnels
Side straddle hops
Chinooks forward and reverse
Tha Thang:
Part 1:
Every minute on the minute for 16 minutes (4 rounds total – 45 seconds of exercise, 15 seconds of rest/transition to next exercise)
Minute 1: WW2
Minute 2: Carolina dry docks
Minute 3: American hammers
Minute 4: forearm plank
Part 2:
Start at cones, do:
5 Burpees
10 merkins
15 Squats
Then run 100 feet to next set of cones, repeat the same exercises and run back to the first set of cones. Repeat the process until time is up.
Today marked 3 years since my brother's unexpected passing, his name was Benji. He left lasing impressions on people he knew and loved, as well as strangers he just met. And those impressions said alot about the type of person he was. So what do your impressions say about you? Your work ethic, your servitude, even your personality……how would you want people to remember you by?
Workout at Countryside Baptist this Saturday at 6am
Beach ruck on Tybee this Saturday at 5am