QiC: Betty Crocker
Date: 06/20/2022
Title: Bogey and BC Switch-a-Q
Number of HIMs: 10
Betty Crocker, Bogey, Cheddar Biscuit, Door Jam, Hosier, Patches, Pergo, Sakrete, Tutti Frutti
Number of FNGs: 0
Name of FNGs:
Bogey warmed is up with something along the lines of:
Moroccan Night Clubs
Raise the Roof
Seal Claps
Slow Squats
Merk-Dogs -Merkins with a downward dog movement between each
No monkey humpers
Tha Thang:
Bogey handed off the Q to BC at this point.
Reverse timer: instead of 1 PAX being the timer for everyone else, the group was the timer for 1 pax in the middle of the circle doing squats with the 60# Sandbag (or a 40# if anyone needed to modify) until the 6 finished the reps called.
All other PAX in the circle did the below exercise and reps, rotating the middle pax after each exercise.
Round 1: 25 reps of each
Kettlebell Swings with Cindy
Bonnie Blairs per leg
Squat Thrusters with Cindy
Run a full bus loop lap
Round 2: Reps down to 20
KB Swings
Bonnie Blair's per leg
Squat Thrusters
Incline Merkins
Run a lap, cutting it shorter by a couple rows of trees
Round 3: 15 reps of each except for burpees which stayed at 20
Decline Merkins with block in vertical orientation
KB Swings
Bonnie Blair's
Squat Thrusters
Incline Merkins
Short lap around 4 trees
Finish with everyone doing 10 burpees together
YHC is trying to make the rounds to each AO this summer and encourages others to do so as well. Thanks for the opportunity to Q at the Colosseum.
Count, Namearama, Pledge, Prayer
Prayers for multiple mission and youth trips across our region departing this week.
Prayers for Sakrete's Father In Law dealing with shortness of breathe
Other unspoken prayers
Naked Man Moleskin:
Door Jam had to finish with a solo COT … Was really more of an Oval of Trust … A porcelain oval.
The Islands & Landings boys have no idea how good they have it with smooth asphalt. YHC is pretty sure the Colosseum bus loop was paved with glass shards painted to look like rocks.