1st F 06/13/2022 Parachutes Tabata

QiC: Bogey
Date: 06/13/2022
Title: Parachutes Tabata
Number of HIMs: 6
Bogey, Cheddar Biscuit, Door Jam, Mr. Miyagi, Patches

Number of FNGs: 1
Name of FNGs: Udders

Had an FNG and YHC failed to do the disclaimer at the beginning. However, we did do the five core principles and the disclaimer was interwoven throughout the workout. Basically it’s you vs. you and we aren’t responsible if you come up lame. And the good Lord knows we are not professionals.

Also, we didn’t continue the streak of 10+ PAX today but we had a solid group ready to work. Warmed up with the following and not necessarily in this order: Abe vigodas, Moroccan night clubs, chinooks, TTT…

Tha Thang:
YHC was inspired by a recent family outing to the Coldplay concert this past Sat in Hotlanta. Thus, with a nod to their debut album the Parachutes Tabata was born.

8 stations
– Curls
– Abyss merks
– Hernias
– Bent over rows
– Skull crushers
– Zombie crawl
– KB swings

The Timer was a PAX that shuffled with 30# ruck to third tree on the RH side.

After each full rotation of PAX operating as the timer then we did an Indigenous Peoples run around the bus loop. We were able to do two complete rounds before running out of time.

At the end we did the forearm plank challenge that is a new option as part of the Air Force Fitness test. Bogey is still not a Respect but a healthy 47 yo. So based on the PT test charts to max out the plank exercise points I would have to hold it for 3min and 10sec. Miraculously, Coldplay’s song “Biutyful” is about that long. Congrats to Cheddar for being the lone PAX to complete the plank challenge. Looking at the scoring chart for guys under 25 yo he only has to go to 3min 35sec to max it out. Keep it going CB!

Islands Convergence next Sat, June 18 from 6-7am.

Prayers for Doorjam’s family with Aunt passing. Prayers for all the VBS events this summer and the leaders leading it.

YHC talked about how Coldplay’s first album was called Parachutes and it was a nice connection to F3 as we continue to serve each other as that safety net, that safe environment of encouragement and motivation for our fellow brothers. We are also reminded that we are more than just a workout group and continue to seek ways to make a positive impact to our community. We aren’t a religious group either (although represent many faiths and congregations), but do all believe in a higher power greater than ourselves. A nod to another Coldplay song aptly named “Higher Power”.

Lastly, YHC touched on persistence. Coldplay’s first show in Atlanta back in 2001 was not a success. Trying to leverage their hit single “Yellow” in the U.S. took longer than expected as they played shows where they were booed and had beer bottles thrown at them. But they persisted and believed in themselves to one day impacting society, cultures, and the environment. Let’s continue to challenge ourselves here at the Colosseum AO to persist, choose the harder path, and never stop supporting each other.
