1st F 06/07/2022 Landings – The Sloppy 16

QiC: Spread Eagle
Date: 06/07/2022
Title: Landings – The Sloppy 16
Number of HIMs: 16
Bogey, Butterball, Flo, Focker, Hoochie, Kirby, Pelosi, salad, Tampax, The Situation, Tiny Tim

Number of FNGs: 0
Name of FNGs:

SSH X 20
TTT X 12
4 Ct Squats
3 Burpees
10 BBS

Tha Thang:
All pax good and wet from the warm up burpees and BBS, music playlist also questionable. And, it seems like the Landings association would (at a minimum) keep some staffers on towel duty for us when they know good and well the field is going to be sloppy SMH

We did a descending reps workout something like this:

100 Squats w/ Cindy
10 Burpees
90 LBCs
9 Burpees
80 Dips at Picnic Tables
8 Burpees
70 Plank Jacks
Mozy to end of field and back except for Tiny Tim, he also did burpees because he's cool like that
60 OHP
6 Burpees
50 Curls
5 Burpees
40 Man Climbers
4 Burpees
30 BBS
3 Burpees
20 Prisoner Squats
2 Burpees
10 Blockees
1 Burpee
One Lap Mozy around track to Playground, max on Pull ups

Back to circle for Mary:
20 Reverse Crunches OYO
20 Heels to Heaven OYO
~10 Windshield Wipers IC
Flutters to Time

Good to see Bogey made it to the Skidder from out West somewhere and 16 PAX, lets keep it up!

Official Islands AO launch 18 JUN
Come Skinny Dip at Lake Mayer tomorrow, VQ!
Prayers for Pelosi's wife during recovery, Grandma Kay, all others suffering, guidance for us as men, fathers, leaders, husbands