QiC: R-12
Date: 05/25/2022
Title: Take The Field
Number of HIMs: 8
Bogey, Cheddar Biscuit, Door Jam, Fro-Zone, Pergo, R-12, Tutti Frutti, Wash-out
Number of FNGs: 0
Name of FNGs:
Michael Phelps & Disclaimer
Trunk Twists
Hammy Stretches
Mini Bat Wings
Tha Thang:
The Objective: To take over the Field as a Team.
The Challenger: Coupons – 26 Cindy’s, 120lb Bear Bag, 60lb Sand Bag, Tractor Tire, Small Tire, & The Telephone Pole
The Plan: The Team of Pax will Suicide carry all of the coupons down the full length of the field and back. The Field supplied x8 markers / bunkers to carry coupons back and forth to. Every time a Pax gets a coupon to the next bunker, they run back to the previous bunker and knock out x10 Squats earning the right to take another coupon forward. The Final Coupon to be carried is the telephone pole which will be carried by x2 different Pax each time while the team mosey’s along beside them. Once the pole makes it to the next bunker, the Team knocks out x10 more squats and start carrying coupons to the next bunker.
Due to time constraints, the battle back down the field to our original start point was modified so that the Team carried the coupons as far down the field as possible. If a break was needed then the Pax would return to the bunker at the end of the field, complete x10 squats and go back to pick up their coupons and continue down the field.
Strong performance by all. The Field was conquered with our Honor intact. Great Team Effort this morning.
Numberama – Namarama- Pledge – Prayer
Upcoming convergence June 18th
Memorial Day Murph – Saturday @ Daffin & Monday @ OG
Prayers for DoorJam’s grandmother as she passed away Monday and for his family as they work through their loss
Prayers for Hobby Lobby’s Mom