1st F 05/23/2022 Carved in Stone

QiC: R-12
Date: 05/23/2022
Title: Carved in Stone
Number of HIMs: 9
Bogey, Cheddar Biscuit, Door Jam, Mr. Miyagi, Pergo, R-12, Shank, Tutti Frutti, Wash-out

Number of FNGs: 0
Name of FNGs:

Michael Phelps & Disclaimer
Trunk Twists & Discussed remembering your “Why”
Plank Stretches
Hammy Stretches
Mini Bat Wing WarmUp

Tha Thang:
Each Pax picked up x2 Cindy’s to bring to the dance. A few had the added weight of a ruck to add a little extra suck to Tha Thang. x3 rounds were completed
Round #1: Exercises were 30 sec ON / 15 sec OFF
Round #2: Exercises were 1 min ON / 30 sec OFF
Round #3: Exercises were 2 min ON / 30 sec OFF
Exercises for each round were as follows
#1 – Abyss Merkins on Cindy’s
#2 – Lunges w/ both Cindy’s
#3 – Flutter Kicks w/ Cindy Press
#4 – Bent Over Rows w/ both Cindy’s
#5 – Rosalitas with Cindy Hold
#6 – Clean & Press
#7 – Curls a few Pax maintained x2 Cindy’s for all 3 rounds 💪🏼

The shoulders were good and smoked but I feel that we missed the mark of legs so perhaps Wednesday we can make up for what was lacking.

Numberama – Namarama- Pledge – Prayer

Reminder to consider our “WHY”. While we do fellowship well, the goal is to be constantly pushing ourselves to be stronger, to be better, to embrace the challenges of the day head on expectant that pain will come with growth. The weak man expects success to come out of ease and comfort. The strong man embraces challenge and finds growth through toil, sweat, hard work, & determination. We get up early and attack the gloom accepting the responsibility we have to all those that count on us and to be the men God has called us to be. Lead Well Men