1st F 05/12/2022 So much for a light workout(The Landings AO)

QiC: Flo
Date: 05/12/2022
Title: So much for a light workout(The Landings AO)
Number of HIMs: 10
Butterball, Hoochie, Kirby, Pelosi, salad, Spread Eagle, Tiny Tim

Number of FNGs: 0
Name of FNGs:

20 SSH
15 TTT
15 Hillbillies
15 Moroccan night clubs
Plank, downward dog, cobra, left side plank, right side plank

Tha Thang:
Stack workout around the flag. After each round, mosey to the playground for AMRAP pull ups and mosey back.

10 kettle bell swings
15 V-ups
20 merkins
25 American hammers(each side)
30 OHP
35 mountain climbers(each leg)
40 curls
45 LBC’s
50 dips(didn’t get to the last round to do these but some of us squeezed them in)

Prayers for Hoochie’s family and friend’s family, Spartans to have safe travels and a injury free race, growth of this AO, to be better fathers and leaders, and praises for the men in this group and their support.