QiC: Tutti Frutti
Date: 05/06/2022
Title: Rollin the Dice
Number of HIMs: 8
Bogey, Dado, Fro-Zone, Mr. Miyagi, Pergo, R-12, Sakrete, Tutti Frutti
Number of FNGs: 0
Name of FNGs:
* Stretch down the middle, left over right, right over left
* 15 TTT
* 15 Don Quixote
* 1 warmup lap
Tha Thang:
Start out at the flag. Everyone gets a chance to roll a dice to see what work out we do. Each Pax also chooses how we go down to the third tree and back (about 40 yards).
Dado – 20 Freddy Merks – Mosey
Miyagi – 20 mountain climbers – bear crawl
Sak – 20 mountain climbers – Mosey/LL Cool J
Pergo – 15 Sumo Slow Squats – mosey/lunge
Fro – 15 Sumo Squats – karaoke
12 – 15 Sumo Squats – koala crawl
Bog – 15 Burpees – crab crawl
Tutti – 15 Sumo Slow Squats – mosey/lunge
Dado – 20 mountain climbers – Mosey/Bunny hop
Finished with around the world merks!
Saturday afternoon 2pm Spartan run
Lunch book club today at Ponco/McAlisters
17 couples on couples retreat
Words of wisdom: never stop dating your wife….and never stop doing monkey humpers!!!!