1st F 04/20/2022 Deconstructing burpees and other stuff too

QiC: Betty Crocker
Date: 04/20/2022
Title: Deconstructing burpees and other stuff too
Number of HIMs: 8
Armrest, Betty Crocker, DQ, Geico, Gilligan, Norm, Quikrete, Sweet -n -low

Number of FNGs: 0
Name of FNGs:

Plank with disclaimer and review of the F3 Mission while we waited on Quikrete to slowly walk up after his late arrival.

3 burpees tardiness penalty

Motivators from 8 to get us warm quickly

1 round of Flower by Moby, Merkins the whole song.

Mosey to wake Cindy up

Tha Thang:
Circle up.

Deconstructed Burpees:
10 each of Squat Jumps (touch the ground), Merkins, and Groiners.
Count was done around the circle clockwise down from 10.
In between each we did 5 burpees.

Cindy Round:
20 each of Curls, Tricep Extensions, KB Swings, and Oblique Side bends (each side).
Count oyo

Deconstructed Burpees Round 2
20 each of the Jump Squats, Merkins, and Groiners
3 burpees in between each

Another Cindy Round, 20 reps each

Another Deconstructed Burpee round
30 reps each, a single burpee in between

3rd and final Cindy Round. Put her away when done with this round and mosey back to the flag.

Final round of Deconstructed Burpees with 40 reps, no burpees in between. Planned pause at 20 for each set.

Count, Names, Announcements, Prayer Requests, Pledge

Coworker of SnL and another good round of friend going through medical challenges.

Coworker of DQ dealing with sudden loss of best friends dad. Don't fight the mental battle on your own gents.

Octagon donating kidney to his sister, surgery May 9.

Gilligan sister recovering from unplanned surgery, could've been worse, but God's timing was just right.