1st F 04/11/2022 Hell Week: Day 1 – Merlot Mountain

QiC: R-12
Date: 04/11/2022
Title: Hell Week: Day 1 – Merlot Mountain
Number of HIMs: 9
Bogey, Cheddar Biscuit, Door Jam, Fro-Zone, Hobby Lobby, Mr. Miyagi, Pergo, R-12, Tutti Frutti

Number of FNGs: 0
Name of FNGs:

4 “Disciplined” Pax set out for an EC Ruck – 0400 start 💪🏼
1) Pergo 2) Mr. Miyagi 3) Door Jam 4) Hobby Lobby
All other slackers kicked Hell Week off at 0500 for a beatdown.
Disclaimer & Warm-Up while Jocko Willink read his book “Discipline = Freedom” 🫣
x10 Imperial Squat Walkers – I.C.
2 min of X-Men Crunches
2 min of Squats
2 min of Merkins
Time to GET IT!!!

Tha Thang:
Merlot Mountain consists of 7 maneuvers to climb. After completing the exercises at each maneuver the Pax run back to the base camp, touch the line and run on to the next maneuver. We ADDED a new exercise to the mix every time we move on the the next maneuver. Continue on until hopefully someone finally conquers the SUMMIT.
Maneuver #1 – x10 American Hammers, x10 Sling Blades, x10 Colosseums
Maneuver #2 – x10 American Hammers, x10 Sling Blades, x10 Colosseums, x10 Sad Bears
Maneuver #3 – x10 American Hammers, x10 Sling Blades, x10 Colosseums, x10 Sad Bears, x10 Sumo Squat Jumps
Maneuver #4 – x10 American Hammers, x10 Sling Blades, x10 Colosseums, x10 Sad Bears, x10 Sumo Squat Jumps, x10 Merkin Jacks
Maneuver #5 – x10 American Hammers, x10 Sling Blades, x10 Colosseums, x10 Sad Bears, x10 Sumo Squat Jumps, x10 Merkin Jacks, x10 Low Country Crab
Maneuver #6 – x10 American Hammers, x10 Sling Blades, x10 Colosseums, x10 Sad Bears, x10 Sumo Squat Jumps, x10 Merkin Jacks, x10 Low Country Crab, x10 8 count Man Makers
SUMMIT – x10 American Hammers, x10 Sling Blades, x10 Colosseums, x10 Sad Bears, x10 Sumo Squat Jumps, x10 Merkin Jacks, x10 Low Country Crab, x10 8 count Man Makers, & finish with x100 Mountain Climber CrossOvers

Merlot Mountain is still unconquered but we had several honorable attempts getting close. Disappointed to say that NoBody splashed any Merlot!

Moseyed back to the flag while Bogey & Cheddar Biscuit raced back. Unfortunately for them we weren’t quite finished. We were given a 2 min time hack to run a lap around the Bus Loop. We did not make it but a benchmark was set that will be used later this week, insert evil laugh!

NUMBERAMA – NAMARAMA – Pledge – Prayer
Keep DoorJam’s grandmother in prayer as she hasn’t been given much longer to live

Hell Week: Day #2 will focus on Strength Building & Toughness