QiC: Mr. Miyagi
Date: 03/21/2022
Title: Big Bear Chase Me!
Number of HIMs: 8
Bogey, Cheddar Biscuit, Door Jam, Mr. Miyagi, Pergo, R-12, Sakrete, Tutti Frutti
Number of FNGs: 0
Name of FNGs:
Standing toe touches with legs crossed(switch legs)
15 TTTs
15 Moroccan night clubs
15 Chinooks one way
15 Chinooks the other way
Tha Thang:
Start at first tree along the bus loop and bear crawl about 85 feet to second tree and do 30 burbees, crawl bear back to first tree and do 30 merkins. Then run full lap around bus loop. Bear crawl and do 30 squats, crawl bear and do 30 Bonnie Blairs then run lap around bus loop. Repeat a third time and do 30 WW2s and 30 Freddy Mercurys.
Next we "indigenous people" ran a lap around bus loop.
Finally finished with Mary – flutter kicks, box cutters, WW1s, and some kind of weird side to side leg motion thing that Cheddar Buiscit came up with.
Praise and continued prayers for Sakrete's family member's family still recovering from house fire. Also for friends of Sakrete going through cancer treatments. Slicks mom as well.
Discussed April 9th convergence and PACK Savannah food drive.
I took a minute to share with the group about me doing the Sprint in Conyers,GA and I noticed the scenery that i saw from the top of the trail and i just soaked it in. Everyone should do that and just bask in the moment.