1st F 02/19/2022 Bear Crawl Buddies

QiC: Mr. Miyagi
Date: 02/19/2022
Title: Bear Crawl Buddies
Number of HIMs: 6
Betty Crocker, Clog, Door Jam, Mr. Miyagi, Sakrete, Sherman

Number of FNGs: 0
Name of FNGs:

Warm up
Standing leg cross stretches
Rocking night clubs
Reverse Chinooks

Tha Thang:
1. SSH
2. WW2
3. Squats
4. Burpees
5. Heels to Heaven
6. Imperial walkers
7. Box cutters
8. Colosseums
9. Freddy Mercurys
10. Monkey humpers

Two PAX partner up at the starting point. Partner 1 bear crawls to the first cone and back while partner 2 does the first exercise. Then partner 2 bear crawls to the first cone while partner 1 does the first exercise. Then both partners run to the second cone and back to the starting point. Now rinse and repeat, but with the second exercise, and so on up to the tenth exercise. We got through all 10 exercises and then did 15 minutes of Mary – pickle pushers, WW1, sad bears, boat/canoes, hello Dollies, Rosalitas, 2-minute plank.

Prayers for Sakrete's cousin and her family
Talked about different events going on involving F3
We also talked about focusing on reminding PAX of the 5 core principles, the Mission, and even the Creed of F3 at the beginning of each workout during the disclaimer or in the COT. That way we never lose focus on why we decided to be part of this great organization.