QiC: Cheddar Biscuit
Date: 02/18/2022
Title: Shoulder pump with a monkey hump
Number of HIMs: 8
_Not Registered, Bogey, Cheddar Biscuit, Door Jam, Fro-Zone, Mr. Miyagi, Pergo, Sakrete
Number of FNGs: 0
Name of FNGs:
– Disclaimer while doing some Michael Phelps to get the shoulders loosened up. Don’t get hurt, but if you do get hurt it’s not my fault, you know, that kinda thing
– Arm circles
– Plank it out, roll back on heels, dive through a couple times
– Hopped up and knocked out some Triple T, then stretched by leaning towards each ankle
Tha Thang:
First things first, we moseyed over to the opposite corner of the bus ramp since there are more trees on that side. YHC called it a ladder workout, but ended up being more like a suicide run workout now that I think about it.
-Using the first tree as start line, we would run to the 2nd tree, do an exercise, then backwards run back to start. Then run to 3rd tree and repeat exercise from tree 2 plus a new exercise, backwards run back, etc. this continued on for 8 trees.
5 burpees
10 colloseums
15 Merkins
20 Mountain climbers
25 WW1’s
30 Hello Dollys
35 SSH
40 Monkey Humpers
Around about tree 4 is when Pergo started story time, Sakcrete questioned whether YHC knew what the Fresh Prince of Bel-Air was. Fro, DJ, and Myagi all also tried to share their jokes, but Bogey did not approve. Overall, always a good morning to be with this group of HIM’s and we got a good shoulder burn on top of it!
Praise reports for Sakcrete’s cousin being able to begin to restart their life after apartment complex burnt down. Also, Pergo’s friend was not as injured as what the doctors once believed.