1st F 02/16/2022 Thug Life: Runnin Da Screets

QiC: R-12
Date: 02/16/2022
Title: Thug Life: Runnin Da Screets
Number of HIMs: 10
Bogey, Cheddar Biscuit, Door Jam, Fro-Zone, Mr. Miyagi, Pergo, R-12, Slick, Tutti Frutti, Wash-out

Number of FNGs: 0
Name of FNGs:

Hammy Hangers
Spread Eagle Stretch
Trunk Twists
x20 SSH
2 min of Up / Downs – High Knee’s Version
Michael Phelps & Arm Circles

Tha Thang:
Gangsta’s Run Da Screets. Each Pax begins at the Start / Finish Line and completes x3 exercises- Merkins, Big Boi’s, & Hindi Squats. After completing their reps the Pax takes turns running to 1 of 2 cones set up 50 yards from the start line both in opposite directions. At Cone #1 pax completes x3 Burpees. At Cone #2 pax completes x3 Sad Bears and then runs back to the Start line. Every time a pax makes it back to the start line they increased the number of reps by x1. Everyone starts at x10 and tries to make it to x25 reps of each exercise before time runs out.

x10 Merkins
x10 Big Boi’s
x10 Hindi’s
Run to Cone #1 – x3 burpees – run back to start line
x11 Merkins
x11 Big Boi’s
x11 Hindi’s
Run to Cone #2 – x3 Sad Bears – back to start line
x12 Merkins
x12 Big Boi’s
x12 Hindi’s
Back to Cone #1 – x3 Burpees – etc
Sum real Gangsta’s out day in da hood dis morn. Betta watch yo back. 😎💯

Namarama & Numberama
Book Club this morning at Just Love
Spartan Race coming up Feb 26th
Prayers for Slick’s mom still recovering but had an allergic reaction to her antibiotics. Also for Slick & his sisters as they try to support and care for their mom.