QiC: Door Jam
Date: 02/14/2022
Title: Sharing the Love
Number of HIMs: 6
Bogey, Cheddar Biscuit, Door Jam, Fro-Zone, Mr. Miyagi, Tutti Frutti
Number of FNGs: 0
Name of FNGs:
Pax were warned in advance not to bring 2.0s and to brace for terrible music…
Set the mood with "Can't Get Enough of Your Love" (Barry White)
Plank, divebombers, disclaimer, and apology for the music
Snuffies IC and reverse IC
Don Q IC
Imperial Walkers IC
Tha Thang:
Next up was "Love in an Elevator" (Aerosmith) – SSH (modify to squats) for the duration, and every "love" or "lovin" is a burpee.
Then, grab the bricks (new ones!) and do traveling nutcrackers to the last car and back, to "Amanda" (Boston).
For "She Thinks My Tractor's Sexy" (Kenny Chesney), hold people's chair while doing various brickwork. Then switch to obligerators and chicken peckers 10ea IC.
"I'm Gonna Be (500 Miles)" (The Proclaimers) sent us on a bear crawl that seemed to last 500 miles.
For "Friday I'm in Love" (The Cure), a mix of more brick work (OHP, seal claps, and more), monkeyhumpers, etc.
Pax then lined up in the field and did a Tunnel of Love to the neck tree to "Cryin'" (Aerosmith), and then a lap around the track to "More than a Feeling" (Boston).
Arrive back to the bricks for "I'm a Believer" (Smashmouth) and curls, skullcrushers, and more.
Wound down with some Mary and"Can You Feel the Love Tonight?" (Elton John), including Dollies, Pickle Pushers, and Rosalitas. Then the Pax were rolled over for pickle pounders and "Never Gonna Give You Up" (Rick Astley).
Prayers for Slick's mom in the hospital