1st F 02/05/2022 Dora Explorer

QiC: Pergo
Date: 02/05/2022
Title: Dora Explorer
Number of HIMs: 7
Betty Crocker, Door Jam, Pergo, Sakrete

Number of FNGs: 2
Name of FNGs: Glamper and MCI

L over R then R over L stretch with disclaimer
TTT 15 ic
Don Q’s 15 ic
Plank with 5 core principles
Then 10 merkins OYO

Tha Thang:
Bat Wings
Then Dora workout
200 merkins
150 OHP
100 curls (4 count)
One partner works
One partner runs
Then some Mary
Flutter kicks (25 ic)
Box cutters (25 ic)
Gas Pumpers (20 ic)

Count and Name Orama
Pledge and Prayer