QiC: Cheddar Biscuit
Date: 01/28/2022
Title: Just some hanging around
Number of HIMs: 11
_Not Registered, Bogey, Cheddar Biscuit, Door Jam, Fro-Zone, Pergo, R-12, Sakrete, Tutti Frutti, Wash-out
Number of FNGs: 1
Name of FNGs: Hot Pocket
Started out with some
– Big arm circles forwards and back
– Michael Phelps
– Triple T’s
– reached down and grabbed the right ankle, then the left
Tha Thang:
Spartan is under a month away so we must be training every day. Working on our grip, so at the race we don’t slip.
– Indian run over to front of school for our “pull up” bars.
-Modified Dora style workout so we partnered up, one pax would be doing an exercise to failure while the other pax is trying to get to a certain number of reps of a different exercise. Then after the first pax drops, the other pax then does the exercise to failure. Rotate back and forth until you complete all of the reps. ( Makes more sense if you have completed Dora before)
• Round 1:
* Timer: Dead hang (modifier of a stationary rifle carry if needed W/ Cindy)
* Exercise 1: 100 sumo squats
* Exercise 2: 200 WW2’s
* Exercise 3: 300 Monkey Humpers
Round 2:
* Timer: Finger tip plank as long as possible, drop to Palms for 30 more seconds
* Exercise 1: 100 narrow squats
* Exercise 2: 200 Flutters
* Exercise 3: 300 calf raises
– Convergence at 0600 tomorrow , EC opportunity to ruck at 0500. Tutti said his cut off is 25 degrees so that’s why he can’t ruck at 0500 since it’ll still be 24 at that time. Little exaggerated, but fair enough.
– Washout’s bosses daughter (Bryson) in hospital with bacteria in lungs
Pledge and prayer to end us out, thanks for the opportunity to lead guys!